is the most important file in the framework.

A full, working Potassium app looks like this:

from potassium import Potassium, Request, Response
from transformers import pipeline
import torch

app = Potassium("my_app")

# @app.init runs at startup, and initializes the app's context
def init():
    device = 0 if torch.cuda.is_available() else -1
    model = pipeline('fill-mask', model='bert-base-uncased', device=device)
    context = {
        "model": model,
        "hello": "world"

    return context

# @app.handler is an http post handler running for every call
def handler(context: dict, request: Request) -> Response:
    prompt = request.json.get("prompt")
    model = context.get("model")
    outputs = model(prompt)

    return Response(
        json = {"outputs": outputs}, 

if __name__ == "__main__":



def init():
    device = 0 if torch.cuda.is_available() else -1
    model = pipeline('fill-mask', model='bert-base-uncased', device=device)

    return {
        "model": model

The @app.init decorated function runs once on server startup, and is used to load any reuseable, heavy objects such as:

  • Your AI model, loaded to GPU

  • Tokenizers

  • Precalculated embeddings

The return value is a dictionary which saves to the app's context, and is used later in the handler functions.

There may only be one @app.init function.


def handler(context: dict, request: Request) -> Response:
    prompt = request.json.get("prompt")
    model = context.get("model")
    outputs = model(prompt)

    return Response(
        json = {"outputs": outputs}, 

The @app.handler decorated function runs for every http call, and is used to run inference or training workloads against your model(s).

Banana serverless currently only supports handlers at the root "/"

Advanced Documentation

Refer to the Potassium github repo for additional and experimental features.

Last updated