The official REST API SDK documentation for Banana.

Endpoint Design

Banana runs inference tasks on an async worker queue

  • Start:

    • Adds an inference call to the queue

    • Returns inference results if available in <50 seconds, else returns a Call ID

  • Check:

    • Checks for inference results by Call ID, returns those results if ready

Start Endpoint

API Version 4

method: POST


curl -X POST "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d \
    "apiKey": "YOUR_API_KEY",
    "modelKey": "YOUR_MODEL_KEY",
    "modelInputs": {YOUR_MODEL_INPUT_JSON}

full input json:


    "id": "xyz", // **optional -** some uuid to identify the payload
    "created": 123123123123, // **optional -** the current Unix timestamp in seconds
    "apiKey": "your-auth-key", // **required -** your api key, for authorization
    "modelKey": "your-model-key", // **required -** the key giving you access to this model
    "startOnly": false, // **optional -** boolean flag to tell backend to return a callID immediately, without awaiting results. Defaults to false.
    "modelInputs" : {
        ... // **required -** the json passed to the model inference server

Calls to the Start endpoint, by default, remain on the server for one minute awaiting a result, to eliminate the need to run a subsequent Check call. This behavior can be toggled off with the "startOnly" flag.

return json:

    "id": "xyz" // the return payload id
    "message": "success", // success or server error messages. Our API does not throw 500 errors, so always check this field for the substring "error" to catch errors
    "created": 123123123123, // the current Unix timestamp in seconds
    "apiVersion": "Nov 14 2021", // identifier on which backend was used, to help us debug
    "callID": "call_abcabcabc", // the async call ID used on the /check/v4 call to see the task's status
    "finished": true, // a boolean to communicate that the inference is finished and you can expect values in the modelOutputs field
    "modelOutputs": [ {
        ... // the json returned from the model inference server
} ]

Check Endpoint

method: POST


curl -X POST "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d \
    "apiKey": "YOUR_API_KEY",

input json:

    "id": "xyz", // **optional -** some uuid to identify the payload
    "created": 123123123123, // **optional -** the current Unix timestamp in seconds
    "apiKey": "your-auth-key", // **required -** your api key, for authorization
    "longPoll": true, // **suggested -** a flag telling the REST call wait on the server for results, up to 50s
    "callID" : "call_abcabcabc" // **required -** the async task ID to fetch results for

return json:

    "id": "xyz" // the return payload id
    "message": "success", // success or server error messages. Our API does not throw 500 errors, so always check this field for the substring "error" to catch errors
    "created": 123123123123, // the current Unix timestamp in seconds
    "apiVersion": "Nov 14 2021", // identifier on which backend was used, to help us debug
    "modelOutputs": [ {
        ... // the json returned from the model inference server
    } ]

Because check is an async polling call, the status of the ongoing job will be displayed in the message field.

If message == "success", then the results will be found in the modelOutputs field.

If message contains "error", then the inference failed.

  • Errors will not throw an api-wide 500 error, as the check call technically was successful.

  • Make sure to watch for errors in the message field.

Last updated