Account Changes

The first step is to migrate your team. When you log into your account you should see a big yellow box in the upper right corner. Click the box and a modal will open, as shown below.

There are two things in the modal:

  • Models need to use Potassium (more on this later). But, don't worry, this won't disable your old models or anything. It's just a check to make you aware of this.

  • Billing is now up front. This does have an impact on your account right away. By confirming you'll be prompted to add some credits to your account to ensure a smooth transition. If you don't add credits at this point your models will be throttled.

When you click confirm you'll be automatically directed to the Account page where you can top up your credits. You get volume discounts by buying credits in bulk. We also strongly recommend enabling auto top up. This means that your credit card will automatically be charged with the amount you specify, when your account balance is below 1$.

And that's it. Now your account is all set up for V2 🙌 Let's move on!

Last updated